Urssaf Caisse Nationale wants to protect the data entrusted to it by launching an anonymization project

URSSAF Caisse Nationale Case Study

The Customer

URSSAF Caisse Nationale is a public administrative institution whose mission is to collect social security contributions from companies to manage the cash flow for each branch of the French social security system.


Following the entry into force of the GDPR, the Urssaf Caisse Nationale had to face increased regulatory pressure that was felt strongly in 2018: strengthened obligations, requirements of contributors, strong sanctions increasingly applied on the CNIL’s side.


In order to meet all these requirements, Urssaf Caisse Nationale chose to integrate the DOT Anonymizer solution into its data ecosystem.

Case Study Highlights

  • Company: Urssaf Caisse Nationale

  • Industry: Public administrative institution

  • Characteristics: The Urssaf Caisse Nationale organization relies mainly on ESNs (Digital Service Companies) to develop its applications, while also having to meet their expectations in terms of compliance with the GDPR by providing them only with desensitized data.

  • Challenge: Urssaf Caisse National first defined a process and addressed the cases to determine the type of anonymization

  • Solution : DOT Anonymizer

We had to develop very specific rules for our needs and the rule simulation aspect for DOT Anonymizer, especially for complex rules, which has been a real added value.
Etienne Cotasson, Security and privacy project manager, Urssaf Caisse Nationale